Building Equity: Year 2 Progress Update
2022 marked the second full year of the Building Equity in Small Multifamily Ownership initiative, a set of strategies helping Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) households build wealth as owner-occupants of small multifamily (2-4 unit) properties. The Building Equity initiative is led by a collaborative of organizations: Family Housing Fund, Hope Community, Build Wealth Minnesota, Model Cities, the Land Bank – Twin Cities, the Minnesota Home Ownership Center, Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES), the Rondo Community Land Trust, and the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund. Together, we aspire to reduce racial disparities in homeownership and wealth by building a system that supports access to small multifamily ownership.
While the first year of the Building Equity initiative focused on program development, Year 2 focused on expanding partnerships, assessing new programs, and refining them for greater impact in the final year of the three-year pilot initiative.
This report shares progress updates through April 2023.