New Staff Member Spotlight: Ron Johnson
Tell us about your background and why you care about expanding housing opportunities.
I’ve been a licensed real estate agent since 2013 and started my own independent real estate brokerage in 2019. Working in real estate, I’ve seen first hand the challenges potential homebuyers face. There are people with what would be considered moderate incomes and moderate means who are struggling to find affordable homes. That lack of affordable housing options is even more difficult for those with lower incomes. Expanding housing opportunities, in my opinion, benefits the entire the community and economy.
Why were you interested in joining the Family Housing Fund staff?
I joined to help find solutions to homeownership, wealth, and achievement gaps that face people in under-served communities. I appreciate the mission of Family Housing Fund. I think I bring experience and a perspective that can complement the already great work the staff has done and is doing.
What housing aspirations do you have for the Twin Cities region?
To see the Twin Cities become a leader in reversing racial housing disparities rather than home to the nation’s worst in housing disparities, which we have been historically.
What is one area where you think people generally fail to think big enough – and what is your vision for change?
Using homeownership as a generational wealth building tool. When I say wealth, I don’t mean to get rich. I mean as an investment to fund short term financial needs, long term retirement dreams, an option to help pay for college, a way to pass assets on to the next generation. There is so much more potential to homeownership then just owning a house.
What do you do for fun?
I love to watch my two daughters play sports. My wife and I like traveling. We have traveled to 9 countries together on 3 continents. Since the pandemic there has been a lot of Netflix and Hulu, like most everybody else.