4d Affordable Housing Incentive Programs for Rental Housing Owners
Download the Minneapolis 4d Program FAQ
Download the Saint Paul 4d Program FAQ
4d Incentive Programs in Saint Paul and Minneapolis were created to help preserve naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH), which is affordable on the private market without subsidy due to factors such as age. Owners of rental housing who enroll units in these 4d programs receive a 40% reduction in property taxes in exchange for agreeing to a 10-year contract that stabilizes rents for the housing units enrolled in the program.
Family Housing Fund compiled lists of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Minneapolis and Saint Paul 4d programs to encourage participation from rental property owners. The FAQs are based on real questions from interested potential participants and include: “What is the actual financial benefit to me if I sign up for the program?” and “How do I find tenants within the targeted income bracket, and what are the required affirmative fair housing marketing practices?”
Are you a property owner interested in providing affordable homes? Learn more about the 4d programs in Edina, Golden Valley, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and St. Louis Park.
What do property owners think about 4d? One participating owner called the Minneapolis program a “win-win.”