Hawthorne EcoVillage Five-Year Progress Report: 2007-2012
The Hawthorne EcoVillage is an innovative, sustainable neighborhood that focuses on restoring balance to natural systems, supporting health among residents, and cultivating neighborliness and a strong sense of community. It consists of four city blocks in the Hawthorne Neighborhood of Minneapolis. Addressing crime, foreclosure, and property abandonment by creating a green neighborhood has brought new residents, partners, and funding to the neighborhood.
As one of the neighborhood’s funding partners, Family Housing Fund published this report on the Hawthorne EcoVillage to both track its progress and use as a model for further sustainable urban redevelopment. This progress report identifies three critical factors for the success of the neighborhood: its network of committed partners, deeply committed residents, and long-term ambitious vision. The Hawthorne EvoVillage demonstrates that sustainability and affordability are relevant for everyone and can be solutions to neighborhood challenges.