Hollman: Ten Years Later
In 1992, the Hollman vs. Cisneros lawsuit was filed against the City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, among others, on behalf of a number of families living in public housing or receiving Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. The suit alleged historical patterns of segregation in the placement of public housing on the basis of race and income. It sought more locational choice and improved housing conditions for families of public housing and voucher programs.
The settlement of the case resulted in the Hollman Consent Decree, which committed to the demolition of 770 public housing units in Minneapolis, redevelopment of those units in both Minneapolis and suburban communities, relocation assistance, issuance of more housing vouchers, and recruitment of property owners to accept vouchers. This report summarizes the progress made towards meeting the requirements of the Hollman Consent Decree 10 years after the settlement of the case.
Family Housing Fund convened the Hollman Implementation Group with representatives from all defendant organizations as well as the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, the Saint Paul Public Housing Authority, and all seven metropolitan counties. This group tackled many of the barriers to suburban development by identifying gaps in funding sources and encouraging property owners to participate in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.