Rethinking Housing: Designing and Building Affordable, Sustainable Housing throughout the Twin Cities Region
In February 2009, Family Housing Fund helped convene a workshop to reimagine the housing system. Forty local leaders, including private and nonprofit developers, funders, local officials and staff, architects, urban designers, and community representatives, gathered to identify and explore solutions to emerging housing challenges. This publication includes a summary of the keynote speaker’s remarks as well all as the themes, comments, and action ideas from the event.
This workshop serves as an example of the collaborative efforts between public, private, and nonprofit sectors which are necessary for comprehensively solving housing issues in the region. Key themes from the event were: 1) the housing we provide in the future needs to fit new economic and demographic realities, 2) we need to improve the ways we can make existing and new housing more environmentally responsible and sustainable, and 3) the housing regulation and development process needs improvements to become more clear and efficient.
View the presentation slides.
Read about the speakers and sponsors in the event program.